Focus Feature:
End of life: Researchers seek to learn needs of sickest patients
Researchers at the Department of Research & Evaluation are working to make the final life transitions better for patients and their families. Using analysis, interviews, data queries, and more, they aim to find out what people want in their final months and days, and how to improve care during that time.
R&E News and Features
Clinician Investigator seeks to identify early-stage pancreatic cancer
The National Institutes of Health has awarded Kaiser Permanente a grant to find a way to predict early-stage pancreatic cancer. The principal investigator is Bechien Wu, MD, MPH, a clinician investigator and a gastroenterologist with the Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center.
Mom's diabetes could influence child's risk of autism or ADHD
Since publishing in JAMA about strong associations between a mother’s diabetes and her child’s risk for autism in 2015, researcher Anny Xiang, PhD, has expanded that work to consider other neurological development disorders to find more nuances with the association, including one published just last month.
RSV infection can be deadlier than flu in adults
In many ways, the initial symptoms of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus are indistinguishable. But, research published in Clinical Infectious Diseases last month showed that RSV infection may be even more dangerous than the flu in older adults.
Stories from R&E's Annual Report
Tackling a deadly regional disease: Valley fever
Department of Research & Evaluation 2018 Annual ReportAugust 2, 2019Addressing the social needs of patients
Department of Research & Evaluation 2018 Annual ReportAugust 2, 2019Researchers and physicians work together to stem the opioid crisis
Department of Research & Evaluation 2018 Annual ReportAugust 2, 2019Researchers seek to reduce heart disease at home and abroad
Department of Research & Evaluation 2018 Annual ReportAugust 2, 2019Maternal diabetes and risk for children
Department of Research & Evaluation 2018 Annual ReportAugust 2, 2019
Five questions...

for Dr. Bobeck S. Modjtahedi
Bobeck Modjtahedi, MD, was 1 of 4 physicians appointed to the 2018 Southern California Permanente Medical Group Clinician Investigator Program. His research involves creating models that can predict a patient’s risk of vision-threatening forms of diabetic retinopathy several years in advance.