Focus Feature: Physicians can influence people to try to lose weight
People who were overweight were less likely to have tried to lose weight if their primary care provider had not talked with them about weight loss, a Kaiser Permanente study found.
R&E News and Features
Obesity increases risk of death from COVID-19, particularly for men and younger people
Obesity was associated with a substantial increased risk of death from COVID-19, a Kaiser Permanente study found. However, the risk was not uniform among those who are obese, but instead disproportionately affects men and people under 60 years of age.
Atypical femur fractures rise with longer bisphosphonate use
While atypical femur fracture risk is rare, it does increase with longer use of bisphosphonate to treat osteoporosis, especially after 5 years, a Kaiser Permanente study found. Asian women had approximately 5 times the risk of these fractures with prolonged use compared to white women.
Improving care through research
The Care Improvement Research Team is a groundbreaking partnership in Kaiser Permanente Southern California, bringing researchers and clinicians together to improve health care quality and affordability for Kaiser Permanente members and people throughout the world. Story and video!
Kaiser Permanente joins late-stage COVID-19 vaccine study
Kaiser Permanente is participating in a phase 3 clinical trial to test an investigational vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the current COVID-19 global pandemic.
In the News
Atypical femur fracture data support bisphosphonate ‘drug holiday’ after 5 years
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Five questions...

for Dr. Jaejin An
Jaejin An, PhD, is a research scientist in the Division of Epidemiologic Research. She is a pharmacoepidemiologist whose work focuses on understanding medication utilization, medication adherence, and disease management patterns.