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Bariatric surgery reduces costs for patients with type 2 diabetes

A Kaiser Permanente found that bariatric surgery reduced health care costs for adults with type 2 diabetes and obesity. The study was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in February 2025. “The study shows that both Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG) help reduce ...

  • COVID bivalent booster protects well against hospitalization

    December 4, 2023
    A Kaiser Permanente study shows the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 BA.4/5 bivalent mRNA vaccine helped protect against a range of COVID symptoms and was effective against the COVID XBB strain sublineages. The most substantial benefit of the bivalent vaccine booster was keeping people out of the hospital and keeping people from becoming critically ill. The study was ...
  • Kaiser Permanente Southern California to lead CDC-funded center to improve outbreak and disease prediction

    October 18, 2023
      Kaiser Permanente Southern California has been tapped to lead an innovation center that will develop advanced modeling approaches to better predict disease outbreaks and prepare the United States for future public health emergencies. The center is 1 of 13 sites that will form the Outbreak Analytics and Disease Modeling Network, a national initiative funded by the ...
  • Diabetes increased among kids during pandemic

    September 25, 2023
    A study of more than 1 million Kaiser Permanente members ages 19 and younger found that rates of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes increased among children during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for those ages 10 and older, male children, and children in specific racial and ethnic groups. The study was published September 21, ...
  • Kaiser Permanente cancer survival rates higher

    September 25, 2023
    Kaiser Permanente had better 5-year survival rates among breast, colorectal, and lung cancer patients compared to the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) estimates, according to research published in September 2023 in The Permanente Journal. Researchers in all 8 Kaiser Permanente regions worked together on this study. They compared the occurrence of cancer ...
  • Five questions for … Dr. Emily Rayens

    September 18, 2023
    Emily Rayens, PhD, MPH,  is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Division of Epidemiologic Research of the Department of Research & Evaluation. Her research interests include infectious diseases and vaccine efficacy and safety. She began her fellowship at Kaiser Permanente in 2023, but it is her third year as a postdoctoral fellow. She was previously ...
  • Five questions for … Dr. Titilola Labisi

    September 18, 2023
    Titilola Labisi, PhD, MHA, MPH, is a public health researcher and a postdoctoral research fellow in the Division of Behavioral Research of the Department of Research & Evaluation. She joined the department in 2022. Her research interests include community-engaged research, health disparities, and health behaviors related to sex, diet, and physical activity. She previously worked ...
  • Five questions for … Dr. Nehaa Khadka

    September 18, 2023
    Nehaa Khadka, PhD, MPH, is a maternal/child health epidemiologist and postdoctoral research fellow in the Division of Epidemiologic Research of the Department of Research & Evaluation. Her research interests include perinatal epidemiology, reproductive health, and health disparities. She began her fellowship in June 2023. While pursuing her doctorate degree at the UCLA Fielding School of ...
  • Five questions for … Dr. Rudy Patrick

    September 18, 2023
    Rudy Patrick, PhD, MPH, is an epidemiologist with research expertise in HIV epidemiology and social network among sexual and gender minorities. He is the fourth Epidemic Intelligence Service officer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to work at the Department of Research & Evaluation. Before joining Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Patrick was a supervisory epidemiologist ...
  • Interns make incredible contributions to research

    September 15, 2023
      When Cheyne Hoke began in the Department of Research & Evaluation’s internship program in June 2023, she was a University of California, Berkeley MPH candidate focused on epidemiology and biostatistics. As an intern she spent her summer months working remotely with Kaiser Permanente researchers on what some might consider a “geeky” endeavor: SAS EG extracting, ...
  • Unveiling the Impact: Kaiser Permanente’s Annual Report 2022

    August 2, 2023
    As we journeyed through 2022, the shadow of COVID-19 continued to loom large, with new variants creating new challenges. Yet, in the face of this, Kaiser Permanente Southern California remained steadfast in its commitment to research and discovery, both in researching COVID-19, but also addressing other health burdens faced by our Kaiser Permanente members including ...