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Over 70% of American adults are overweight or obese, putting them at risk for multiple chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The underlying cause is that people consume more calories than they burn. But the main reason is that it’s hard for people to balance or limit their calories because it’s not obvious, just by looking, how many calories are in the food they are served.

To empower people to control their intake, the Kaiser Permanente is working with restaurants to test the concept of standardized portions, which would provide predictable quantities of food when people dine out.





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Study details

The plan is for restaurants to create an alternative “Balanced Portions” menu to be made available in addition to the regular menu. Customers can choose the same food as on the regular menu, but only be served a quantity that would reduce the risk of overconsumption.  Restaurants can offer any additional quantities of food in “to go” bags for customers who choose to order from the standard portions menu.

If restaurants want to try the standardized portions menu, Kaiser Permanente research staff will do all the required work and research to create the alternative menu and determine the appropriate serving quantities, using just measuring cups and kitchen scales. This is at no cost to the restaurant.

Kaiser Permanente will also survey customers to find out whether the availability of the standard portions menu helped them control their food intake. Customers will be offered a $25 gift card to the restaurant if they complete a brief survey and submit a picture of the food they are served, and a second picture of the amount remaining or packed to go when they finish eating in the restaurant.

The Guidelines for Standard Portions in Away-From-Home Settings provide the background and recommendations for portion servings in restaurants.

Restaurant participation

Test the alternative menu and participate in market research with us.

  • We will pay $2,000 to cover staff training.
  • We will pay for the costs of printing the second menu.
  • We will invite Kaiser Permanente members in a 5-mile radius of your restaurant to check out the second menu.
  • We will make people aware of your restaurant’s second menu on social media.
  • We will purchase $100 worth of $10 gift cards to your restaurant and $1,000 worth of $25 gift cards.
  • We will offer the $10 gift card to each of 10 customers who share their opinions of the new menu.
  • We will offer 40 of your restaurant customers the $25 gift card if they submit a picture of the food they are served and a second one to show what was remaining at the end of their meal, as well as answer a brief survey.
  • Participating customers are not required to order from the Balanced Portions menu to be eligible.
  • Surveys are anonymous and customers answer on their smartphones.
  • We will share the results of the study with you.

    Frequently asked questions

    What is an alternative menu?

    The alternative menu is a second menu with the same items as the regular menu, but only served with controlled portions for customers who want to control their food intake.

    What are the benefits to participating in this project?

    Your restaurant, if selected, can receive more than $2,000 for participating. As a partner, you may receive social media exposure via the Kaiser Permanente Department of Research & Evaluation social media platforms. We will train you and your staff on how to portion and plate these dishes at no cost to you. Finally, we will spread the word to Kaiser Permanente members who reside within 5 miles from your restaurant that you are our partner in this project and to visit, evaluate, and take advantage of the alternative menu.

    Do I need to contribute money to participate in this project?

    No, this project is at no cost to you. You may receive more than $2,000 for participating in the second phase of the project.

    How long do I need to commit to this project as restaurant owner?

    It will depend on you. This study will require a commitment of at least 4 months, during which we will assist you in designing a test menu and train your kitchen staff as well as trying out alternative menu.

    Can I quit at any time?

    We understand you can have a change of plans. The Standard Portions Project is entirely voluntary and will not impact your business or the partnership you have with Kaiser Permanente Department of Research & Evaluation.

    Why do I need to complete a vendor form and W9?

    To be able to issue you payment, your business must be in our internal system. A W9 form is required since you will be receiving income from Kaiser Permanente.

    Why do I need to establish a contract between my business and Kaiser Permanente Research?

    We want to ensure that we are both on the same page on what you expect from us and vice versa. This contract spells out the scope of work and roles and responsibilities from Kaiser Permanente and your business.

    Meet the study’s principal investigator

    Deborah Cohen, MD, MPH,  has been studying the obesity epidemic and possible solutions for the past 15 years.  Her book, “A Big Fat Crisis: The hidden forces behind the obesity epidemic and how we can end it,” identifies the food environment as the primary driver of obesity. The scientific evidence indicates that most people lack the ability to control how much they eat when they are served too much. Therefore, restaurants can play a critical role in helping customers consume appropriate portions when they dine by controlling the portions of food that they serve.  That way, customers don’t have to worry about how much they eat and, instead, can focus on enjoying themselves while dining out.

    Dr. Cohen is working with a team of research associates who will contact both restaurants and customers to assess the feasibility and acceptability of offering standardized portions.